Registo inteligente em série

SerialGhost é um registador compacto RS-232 e de serial bus com várias funções, tais como registo de tempo e data. Possui incorporadas 16 GB memórias Flash, disponíveis através de USB no modo PenDrive.

The SerialGhost RS-232 Module is a variation available as a PCB module with terminal block connectors. It can be powered with DC voltages up to +24V.

Registo inteligente em série - SerialGhost


  • Regista assíncrona transmissão em série (compatível com RS-232)
  • Taxa de baud até 230400 bps
  • Registo 2 fluxos simultaneamente (RX e TX)
  • 16 gigabytes de memória incorporada (industrial grade)
  • Alimentação através da porta USB, ou através dum alimentador externo
  • Não requer software nem drivers, compatível com os sistemas Windows, Linux e Mac
  • Modo USB Pen Drive
  • Modo virtual COM
  • External push-button for mode switching
  • USB-B side socket for power (5V DC)
  • USB cable included
Versão TimeKeeper:
  • Registo de tempo e data
  • Pilha incorporada

SerialGhost DB-9

Module version:

  • Modular form-factor with terminal block connectors
  • Dual power: +5V (USB) or +9V...+24V DC (terminal connector)
  • Integrated step-down switching power supply

SerialGhost RS-232 Module


  • Gravação dos dados procedentes dos periféricos tais como impressoras, terminais, teclados, ratos, leitores de cartões
  • Engenharia reversa (reverse-engineering) de protocolos de troca de dados
  • Cópias de segurança dos dados importantes armazenados nos dispositivos tipo POS (Point-of-Sale), leitores de códigos de barras, leitores de cartões
  • Registo dos dados procedentes dos sensores de temperatura, pressão, tensão, etc.

Preços e versões

Versão Propriedades Pricing and availability
  • 16 gigabytes de memória incorporada (industrial grade)
  • Modo USB Pen Drive
  • Modo virtual COM
  • External push-button for mode switching
SerialGhost DB-9
SerialGhost DB-9

$82.99 / €75.99

  • 16 gigabytes de memória incorporada (industrial grade)
  • Modo USB Pen Drive
  • Modo virtual COM
  • External push-button for mode switching
  • Registo de tempo e data
  • Pilha incorporada
SerialGhost TimeKeeper DB-9
SerialGhost TimeKeeper DB-9

$97.99 / €89.99

  • 16 gigabytes de memória incorporada (industrial grade)
  • Modo USB Pen Drive
  • Modo virtual COM
  • Modular form-factor with terminal block connectors
  • Dual power: +5V (USB) or +9V...+24V DC (terminal connector)
  • Integrated step-down switching power supply
SerialGhost RS-232 Module
SerialGhost RS-232 Module

$82.99 / €75.99

  • 16 gigabytes de memória incorporada (industrial grade)
  • Modo USB Pen Drive
  • Modo virtual COM
  • Modular form-factor with terminal block connectors
  • Dual power: +5V (USB) or +9V...+24V DC (terminal connector)
  • Integrated step-down switching power supply
  • Registo de tempo e data
  • Pilha incorporada
SerialGhost RS-232 Module TimeKeeper
SerialGhost RS-232 Module TimeKeeper

$97.99 / €89.99

SerialGhost - Registo inteligente em série

Como funciona?

SerialGhost é um compacto registador de serial bus assíncrono, que permite a gravação de fluxos de dados RS-232 procedentes dos seguintes aparelhos: impressoras, terminais, teclados, ratos, leitores de códigos de barras, etc. Basta introduzir SerialGhost em serial bus, utilizando conectores DB-9. Se uma porta USB estiver disponível, o aparelho poderá ser alimentado através de USB. Caso contrário, poder-se-á usar o cabo fornecido para conectar alimentação 5V (p. ex. dum carregador de telemóvel). SerialGhost começará a interceptar e gravar dados de ambos fluxos do bus (RX e TX). Não são requeridos controladores nem software.

SerialGhost - Modo de captação

Easy access

To view the recorded data, the SerialGhost may be switched to flash drive mode. Connect to a computer using a USB-B cable, press the side button, and the SerialGhost will pop up as a removable drive, containing a file with logged data. The flash drive may also be used to configure the device, such as baudrate, parity bits, start/stop bits, etc.

SerialGhost - Easy access
SerialGhost - Dual port

Dual port

The SerialGhost family of devices has two RS-232 input ports, responsible for data acquisition from up to two sources. Both ports can share a common configuration, or may be configured independently using dual port mode. In this mode two separate settings may be used for the baud rate, number of bits, stop bits, and parity.

Multiple modes

The SerialGhost family is packed with features, such as the capability to act as a USB removable flash drive, or USB Virtual COM port. In flash drive mode, a log file is available with all acquired data. Virtual COM port mode can be used to live-stream the captured data, or to communicate with the device using a proprietary command set.

SerialGhost - Multiple modes
SerialGhost - Registo de tempo e data

Registo de tempo e data

The built-in real-time clock will keep track of the time and date independent if the computer is turned on or not. This is possible thanks to the internal battery, with a guaranteed lifetime of over 10 years. Time and date stamps with millisecond granularity will get inserted in the log file while the logger is capturing data.

No devices available, please change criteria
AirDrive Serial Logger
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$104.99 / €95.99

AirDrive Serial Logger Module
AirDrive Serial Logger Module

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AirDrive Serial Logger Pro
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AirDrive Serial Logger Module Pro
AirDrive Serial Logger Module Pro

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AirDrive RS-485 Logger Module Pro
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AirDrive Serial Logger Max
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$127.99 / €116.99

AirDrive Serial Logger Module Max
AirDrive Serial Logger Module Max

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AirDrive RS-485 Logger Module Max
AirDrive RS-485 Logger Module Max

$127.99 / €116.99

AirDrive RS-232 Recorder
AirDrive RS-232 Recorder

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AirDrive RS-232 Recorder TS
AirDrive RS-232 Recorder TS

$97.99 / €89.99

SerialGhost DB-9
SerialGhost DB-9

$82.99 / €75.99

SerialGhost RS-232 Module
SerialGhost RS-232 Module

$82.99 / €75.99

SerialGhost RS-485 Module
SerialGhost RS-485 Module

$82.99 / €75.99

SerialGhost TimeKeeper DB-9
SerialGhost TimeKeeper DB-9

$97.99 / €89.99

SerialGhost RS-232 Module TimeKeeper
SerialGhost RS-232 Module TimeKeeper

$97.99 / €89.99

SerialGhost RS-485 Module TimeKeeper
SerialGhost RS-485 Module TimeKeeper

$97.99 / €89.99

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MorphStick Serial 2 Ethernet PoE

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MorphStick Ethernet 2 Serial

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MorphStick Ethernet 2 Serial PoE
MorphStick Ethernet 2 Serial PoE

$278.99 / €253.99


SerialGhost - Getting Started

SerialGhost - Basic Settings

SerialGhost TimeKeeper - Registo de tempo e data