The MorphStick Keyboard Multilogger is a multiple channel keyboard recorder. It can monitor 2 USB keyboard lines in tap mode, and actively poll an additional keyboard in USB host mode. Captured data may be stored to internal flash memory or streamed in real-time over Ethernet to any chosen IP address. The MorphStick Keyboard Multilogger does not interfere with keyboard operation, and does not require any drivers or software.
$353.99 / €321.99
Manufacturer product number:
Gross weight (inc. packaging):
0.6kg / 1.3 lbs
Size (inc. connectors):
120mm x 78mm x 27mm
The MorphStick Keyboard Multilogger is a powerful, yet simple to use data converter and logger. Connect up to two USB keyboards or barcode readers to the front panel dual USB-A sockets. Each may have a separate USB connection to the host computer, or the integrated USB hub may be enabled, reducing the number of cables. Additionally, a third USB keyboard or barcode reader may be connected to the host port on the rear panel. This device will be polled by the MorphStick Keyboard Multilogger, with no connection to the computer necessary. Depending on the configuration, acquired data may be logged to the internal flash memory, or transferred over Ethernet to a chosen destination.
All MorphStick devices feature a button, which switches them into configuration mode over USB. An free lightweight application is available, which guides through the configuration process. During configuration the basic network communication needs to be configured, such as the where to send the acquired data. It takes just a few minutes to get the basic data transfer running, however the flexibility of the device also allows setting up sophisticated communication schemes.
The MorphStick Keyboard Multilogger features two USB ports working in tap mode, and one USB port working in host mode. The Tap port works like a keylogger, capturing existing communication between the USB keyboard or barcode reader, and the computer. The Host port contains a built-in USB controller, which actively polls the keyboard or barcode reader for data. Data originating from all ports is later treated the same way during recording to flash memory, or transferring over Ethernet.
The MorphStick Keyboard Multilogger handles USB power and data flow in a configurable way. Each port has it's own power management circuit, protecting the connected devices. USB keyboards and barcode readers can either be connected directly to the host computer using the dual USB-A sockets, or through an integrated USB hub. This reduces the amount of cables, and helps avoid ground loops in a complicated multiple-device setup.
Morphsticks are essentially building blocks of bigger communication systems. The data originating from MorphStick Keyboard Multilogger can be sent to several destinations. One of them can be the MorphStick Ethernet 2 Keyboard, creating a transfer link over Ethernet for keyboards and barcode readers. Another destination can be a host computer, with dedicated software, such as a cloud service. A sample application is delivered, demonstrating this capability. Yet another option is a dedicated MorphStick device solely for the purpose of logging data from several sources. The MorphStick Keyboard Multilogger can also be used as an embedded data server, with the capability to retrieve logged data on demand, both locally over USB, and remotely over Ethernet.