The AirDrive Keylogger and KeyGrabber are the market leading hardware keyloggers in terms of features, price, and innovation. Wi-Fi, email reports, live data streaming, HID keystroke generation, scripting language, time-stamping, and up to 16 gigabytes of memory.
The AirDrive Keyboard Wizard is a nifty tool that relieves you from typing the same stuff over and over. It detects shortcuts typed on a USB keyboard, which then trigger the device to type predefined blocks of text for you. It can be programmed to type long words, passwords, names, sentences, or entire emails and messages. It can handle complex keyboard operations such as logging in to websites, and keyboard macros and scripts. Can record typed text just like a hardware keylogger.
Plus d'informationsAirDrive Forensic Keylogger c'est le Keylogger matériel USB miniature, longueur de moins de 10 mm. Accès facile à travers n'importe quel appareil Wi-Fi type ordinateur, portable, tablet ou smartphone. It is the smallest hardware keylogger available on the market, making it a professional surveillance and security tool. The Pro version offers time-stamping, E-mail reporting and data streaming.
Plus d'informationsThe KeyGrabber Forensic Keylogger is a record-breaking USB hardware keylogger in terms of size, keyboard compatibility, and price. It measures only 0.4" (10 mm) in length, and can be accessed as a USB flash drive for instant data retrieval. It's by far the most miniaturized and discreet hardware keylogger available on the market. It's also an advanced penetration testing tool, with a built-in scripting language.
Plus d'informationsThe AirDrive Forensic Keylogger is a series of specialized hardware keyloggers with Wi-Fi access, aiming at minimizing the risk of exposure. They diverge from the classic USB adapter shape, making them nearly impossible to locate. Available as a USB extension cable and keyboard-embeddable module only 0.5" (12 mm) in length.
Plus d'informationsThe KeyGrabber Forensic Keylogger is a series of specialized hardware keyloggers with flash drive access, aiming at minimizing the risk of exposure. They diverge from the classic USB adapter shape, making them nearly impossible to locate. Available as a USB extension cable and keyboard-embeddable module only 0.5" (12 mm) in length.
Plus d'informationsThe Ultra series includes the AirDrive Forensic Keylogger Ultra and KeyGrabber Forensic Keylogger Ultra, targeting advanced keyboards such as Apple Mac, keyboards with built-in USB hubs and card readers, and wireless keyboards. They inherit all the features of the AirDrive Forensic Keylogger and KeyGrabber Forensic Keylogger lines of products, adding advanced acquisition circuitry and a new design.
Plus d'informationsAirDrive Keylogger c'est le Keylogger matériel USB miniature, longueur de moins de 20 mm. Accès facile à travers n'importe quel appareil Wi-Fi type ordinateur, portable, tablet ou smartphone. The Pro and Max versions offer time-stamping, E-mail reporting, data streaming, and up to 16 gigabytes of built-in memory.
Plus d'informationsKeyGrabber Pico c'est le Keylogger matériel USB miniature, longueur de moins de 20 mm. Up to 16 gigabytes memory capacity, organized into an advanced flash FAT file system. Super-fast data retrieve, completely transparent for computer operation, no software or drivers required.
Plus d'informationsThe Forensic Keylogger Keyboard is a customized keyboard with an integrated hardware keylogger. The embedded hardware keylogger derives either from the KeyGrabber Forensic family, or from the AirDrive Forensic family. A variety of keyboard models is available to choose from when ordering your Forensic Keylogger Keyboard.
Plus d'informationsCe keylogger matériel USB a une mémoire puissante de 16 Mo ou 16 Go, organisée en un système de fichiers avancé. Un temps de récupération des données captées très court est possible en mode Clé USB. Absolument invisible lors du fonctionnement de l'ordinateur, ne requiert aucun logiciel ni pilote.
Plus d'informationsToutes les fonctions des keyloggers KeyGrabber USB avec, en plus, un module d'horodatage et une batterie. Vérifiez non seulement ce qui a été frappé à l'aide du clavier, mais aussi l'heure et la date exactes de ce qui a été frappé ! Une immense mémoire de 16 Go avec un accès rapide par USB. Un keylogger matériel avec horodatage riche en fonctions supplémentaires mais toujours à prix abordable.
Plus d'informationsThe AirDrive Serial Logger and SerialGhost are compact RS232 monitor devices packed with features. Wireless LAN, email reports, live data streaming, time-stamping, flash drive, and up to 16 gigabytes of memory.
SerialGhost est un enregistreur de frappe de RS-232 et de bus série compact avec de nombreuses fonctions telles qu' horodatage. Il a 16 gigaoctets de mémoire flash disponibles en mode clé USB.
Plus d'informationsAirDrive Serial Logger c'est un enregistreur de bus universel en série et RS-232, mesurant 61 mm de longueur. Accès facile à travers n'importe quel appareil Wi-Fi type ordinateur, portable, tablet ou smartphone. Accès facile à travers n'importe quel appareil Wi-Fi type ordinateur, portable, tablet ou smartphone. The Pro and Max versions offer time-stamping, E-mail reporting, data streaming, and up to 16 gigabytes of built-in memory.
Plus d'informationsRS-232 serial logger modules consist of the AirDrive Serial Logger Module and SerialGhost RS-232 Module. They are embeddable solutions that cover a wide range of applications and features. Access to recorded data is available both as flash drive technology and various remote interfaces operating over Wi-Fi.
Plus d'informationsRS-485 serial logger modules consist of the AirDrive RS-485 Logger Module and SerialGhost RS-485 Module. Both families provide easy and cost-optimized ways of recording asynchronous RS-485 data. Access to recorded data is available both as flash drive technology and various remote interfaces operating over Wi-Fi.
The MorphStick series allows converting from USB or RS-232 to Ethernet and vice versa. Industrial grade devices with features such as virtual COM, Power over Ethernet, and time-stamping.
The MorphStick Keyboard 2 Ethernet is a compact network device capable of acquiring keyboard and barcode reader data and sending it over the network. The MorphStick Ethernet 2 Keyboard works the opposite way, by generating USB keystrokes based on received data. Available features include Power over Ethernet, date and time-stamping and embedded flash memory.
Plus d'informationsThe MorphStick Serial 2 Ethernet is a compact network device capable of acquiring serial and RS-232 data and sending it over the network. The MorphStick Ethernet 2 Serial works the opposite way, by generating serial data based on incoming data over Ethernet. Available features include Power over Ethernet, date and time-stamping and embedded flash memory.
Plus d'informationsThe MorphStick Keyboard Multilogger is a multiple channel keyboard recorder. Captured data may be stored to internal flash memory or streamed in real-time over local USB or Ethernet to any chosen IP address. A 3-channel and 5-channel version exists, combining tap-mode and host-mode USB data acquisition.
Plus d'informationsA set of USB accessories for business and home use, including useful tools such as a USB mouse jiggler, and USB keyboard assistant.
The AirDrive Mouse Jiggler Gold is an ultra-small and discreet USB mouse-mover device, preventing the screen-saver from activating and the computer from going to standby and hibernation. It works as a USB mouse mover and makes an unnoticeable cursor movement every minute. A semi-transparent LED version is also available.
Plus d'informationsThe AirDrive Mouse Jiggler is a small and discreet USB device preventing the screen-saver from activating and the computer from going to sleep. It works as a USB mouse mover and makes an unnoticeable cursor movement every minute. A programmable mouse and keyboard version is also available.
Plus d'informationsThe AirDrive Keyboard Assistant is a useful keystroke generation tool that can type text when triggered by a special key sequence. You can define a variety of triggers for website logins, message templates, frequently repeated phrases, or simple keyboard macros. It features a scripting language that allows creating programs for automating tasks and penetration testing.
Plus d'informationsThe VideoGhost is a miniaturized image capture tool, tapping onto a DVI, HDMI or VGA bus. Multi-purpose tool with 16 gigabytes of flash, time-stamping, flash drive mode, virtual COM, and more.
Voulez-vous mieux profiter du concept de keylogger ? Ce vidéo-logger matériel permet de capter des écrans entiers ! Ce frame-grabber miniature se branche au port DVI, VGA ou HDMI de la carte graphique et réalise des captures d'écran en mode furtif toutes les quelques secondes. Vous pouvez ensuite voir toutes ces captures d'écran sous forme de fichiers JPEG en utilisant le vidéo-logger en mode clé USB de 16 gigaoctets. La technologie la plus récente en instance de brevet et à un prix très abordable !
Plus d'informationsVideoGhost Pro et VideoGhost Max sont des versions développées de ce produit offrant la possibilité de contrôle via un COM virtuel ou un COM matériel. Une application externe peut réaliser des captures d'écran de l'interface DVI, HDMI ou VGA surveillée. VideoGhost Pro/Max peut fonctionner comme un périphérique de stockage de masse USB, un COM virtuel ou, même, comme un périphérique série RS-232 classique. Un bouton externe accélère les opérations standard telles que captures d'écran ou passage d'un mode à l'autre. VideoGhost Pro/Max sont des appareils parfaitement adaptables à toutes les applications souhaitées et ils sont fournis avec des exemples de code source qui facilitent le processus d'intégration à d'autres systèmes.
Plus d'informationsHigh-quality designer replacement power supply for C64, VIC-20, C128, Plus/4, ColecoVision, TI-99/4A, Sinclair QL, and the Amiga 500/500+/600/1200 series
Specialized power supply units for the Commodore 64, Commodore 128, and Commodore Plus/4 series. This is a unique set of power supplies specifically designed for replacing your C64 PSU. Available in different chassis styles, colors, AC voltages and plugs.
Plus d'informationsSpecialized power supply units for the Amiga 500/500+/600/1200 series. This is a unique set of power supplies specifically designed for replacing your Amiga power supply. Available in different chassis styles, colors, AC voltages and plugs.
Plus d'informationsSpecialized power supply units for the Sinclair ZX Spectrum +2A, +2B, +3 series. This is a unique set of power supplies specifically designed for replacing your ZX Spectrum power supply. Available in different chassis styles, colors, AC voltages and plugs.
Plus d'informationsSpecialized power supply units for the Atari XL/XE and Atari 520ST/260ST series. This is a unique set of power supplies specifically designed for replacing your Atari power supply. Available in different chassis styles, colors, AC voltages and plugs.
Plus d'informationsSpecialized power supply units for the Sinclair QL series. This is a unique set of power supplies specifically designed for replacing your Sinclair QL power supply. Available in different chassis styles, colors, AC voltages and plugs.
Plus d'informationsSpecialized power supply units for the TI-99/4A series. This is a unique set of power supplies specifically designed for replacing your TI-99/4A power supply. Available in different chassis styles, colors, AC voltages and plugs.
Plus d'informationsSpecialized power supply units for the ColecoVision series. This is a unique set of power supplies specifically designed for replacing your ColecoVision power supply. Available in different chassis styles, colors, AC voltages and plugs.
Plus d'informationsAutomatic power supply tester for Commodore C64/C128, Amiga 500/500+/600/1200, Atari XL/XE, and ZX Spectrum +2A, +2B, +3. Quick diagnostics including voltage, current and ripple, presented on a digital OLED display.
Plus d'informationsLegacy products and projects include things have hit their end-of-life, such as the PS/2 hardware keylogger, older versions of the SerialGhost, KeyGrabber, or outdated open-source projects.
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